Tuesday, January 12, 2010

& me & you belong

First off b4 I start writing...I'm clearly doing this from my iPhone and it took a whole 5 minutes to go into landscape mode...WTF?!? but anyways...this blogg has nothing to do with the title, I'm just listening to smash into you. 2010 just started and it's pretty good. Minus the fact that i need a freaking loan for skool so I am going to take the rest of my non major classes at community college so that I can still graduate on time. But I'm not letting things that are out of my control affect me. Things could be so much worse. So I am going to appreciate each and every one of Gods many blessings, good or bad. I have been given a lot of amazing ppl and I have also had many negative people be removed from my life. I feel like at this point I'm trying to suck he poison out of my life as well as make things right with some people. I have two bestfriends that I have known since I was 5 and I barely talk to them just bcuz all of our lives are busy but we are slowly changing that. It makes me happy to talk to them a few times a week...I really miss them. I have also noticed that some ppl just aren't meant to be in my life. No matter how right it seems everyone isn't meant to ne there forever and I'm ok with that. Does it bother me? at times...but I do realize some things just are not meant to be. Everything that looks good isn't always good for you lol this goes for girls and guys alike. With time I am learning a lot and all I can do is embrace watever God has in store for me and stay as positive as humanly possible :) peace lovers I'm crazy tired...I think I'll blogg about my 2010 addictions tomorro! Yess sounds like an awesome plan!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. This is something I'm dealing w/ I keep giving ppl too many chances to come back in my life when everyone doesnt deserve to be here. I'm gonna write a blog around this quote " U cannot change the ppl around u, but u can change the ppl ur around, every1 doesn't deserve ur company!" U can love ur friends and ppl to death, but sometimes its not meant to be. God has a plan and He's putting it in motion :)

  2. yes! as mean as i can be there are some people i have a soft side for and i continuously try to let them back in but its only hurting me in the end. but that quote is so on point man!im really trying so hard to be more positive and keep me happy first. idk if u saw my tweet yday but i said i am refusing to have any bad days this year bcuz things could be so much worse. i cnt keep letting ppl stand in the way of my happiness
